Monday 7 September 2015

Perfect day

Woke up after a peaceful night at anchor to a fine fresh morning in Nic 's favourite place on earth. After breakfast we discussed our goal of how to get the boat back home. The weather forecast of strong easterly winds in our teeth means we can't do it this week. Once again we will have to leave her on the south coast. We were disappointed but resigned. 

Meanwhile the beauty of a sunny Studland day was calling to us. We blew up the new dinghy, dropped  it easily into the water and Nic rowed
us into shore. (We had found that the poor old outboard was not working, after 2 years without a service.)

Once  ashore we took our courage in both hands and plunged in for a swim. Well not plunged,  knelt in the three feet of water and splashed happily around. It was bracing.

Next came a walk down the beach to dry off, lunch at the NT cafe and an ice cream. Nic paid homage to the beach hut his family owned for 40 years and we had a chat with the 2 women who use the hut these days. Later we met Des, the maker of kites and his wife Annabelle who are in their 80s and remember Nic and his mum and dad from 50 years ago. 

Nic rowed us back to Sirena IV and we motored gently into Poole Harbour to anchor in the quiet spot off the Potteries. (See pics) A drink in the cockpit as the sun set and a large stir fry ended a truly wonderful Studland day. If we can't get home at least we can enjoy being where we are. 

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